The Ultimate Guide on how to take your Personal Training Business Online Successfully.

Hey there! Are you a personal trainer looking to take your business online? Look no further – we’ve got you covered with our ultimate guide on how to do it successfully! We know that transitioning to an online business model can be intimidating, but we’re here to help make it easy and fun. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to get your online personal training business up and running. From setting up your website and developing an online training program to marketing and promoting your business and maintaining engagement with your clients, we’ve got you covered. We’ll also share with you some of our best tips and tricks for success, and provide you with valuable resources and support materials to help you along the way. We believe that with the right tools and guidance, anyone can take their personal training business online and achieve the success they desire. So don’t wait – let’s dive in and get started! We can’t wait to see what you achieve with your online personal training business.    

 Benefits to taking your personal training business online

There are numerous, here are a few key advantages to consider:
  1. Wider reach: An online platform allows you to reach a much larger client base, as you are not limited by geography. This means you can work with clients from anywhere in the world, greatly expanding the potential of your business.
  2. Convenience for clients: For many people, it can be difficult to find the time and energy to visit a gym or studio for personal training sessions. By offering online training, clients can easily access your services from the comfort of their own homes or anywhere else they have an internet connection.
  3. Greater flexibility: With an online personal training business, you have the freedom to work from anywhere and set your own schedule. This can be especially appealing for trainers who may have other commitments or want more control over their work-life balance.
  4. Increased profitability: By offering online training, you can potentially serve more clients in a shorter period of time, leading to increased profitability. An online platform also allows you to offer different pricing tiers and packages, providing additional opportunities for revenue generation.
  5. Personalized and customized experience: An online platform allows you to provide a more personalized and customized experience for your clients. With the use of technology, you can offer individualized workout and nutrition plans, as well as real-time feedback and support.
The internet will also provide endless opportunities for growth and expansion for your personal training business. Here are a few ways in which an online platform can help you scale your business:
  1. Offer a wider range of services: With an online platform, you can offer a variety of services beyond just traditional in-person training sessions. This can include online workout and nutrition plans, virtual training sessions, and other resources and support materials. By offering a broader range of services, you can attract a wider audience and increase your revenue streams.
  2. Utilize automation and technology: An online platform allows you to leverage automation and technology to streamline and optimize your business operations. This can include automating tasks such as scheduling and payment processing, as well as utilizing technology to provide a more personalized and interactive experience for your clients. More on this later in this blog.
  3. Implement an online membership program: An online membership program involves offering access to your personal training services through a subscription-based platform. This can provide a consistent stream of income for your business and allow you to build a loyal client base.
  4. Collaborate and partner with other trainers and professionals: An online platform provides the opportunity to collaborate and partner with other trainers and professionals, both within and outside of the personal training industry. This can help you tap into new markets and expand your reach and influence. More on this later in this blog as well.
An online platform can provide numerous opportunities for growth and expansion for your personal training business. By leveraging the power of technology and utilizing strategies such as offering a wider range of services, automating tasks, implementing an online membership program, and collaborating with others, you can effectively scale your business and reach a wider audience of potential clients.

Setting up your online personal training business

Setting up an online personal training business involves a few key steps to ensure a smooth and successful launch. Here are some key considerations when establishing your online presence:
  1. Create a website: A website is essential for any online business, as it serves as a central hub for your services and information. When creating a website for your personal training business, be sure to include information about your services, pricing, and contact information. You may also want to include a blog or resources section to provide valuable content for your clients.
  2. Choose the right online tools and platforms: There are numerous tools and platforms available to help you run your online personal training business. This can include scheduling and payment systems, messaging and communication platforms, and tools for creating and delivering workout and nutrition plans. Take the time to research and choose the tools that best meet the needs of your business and clients.
  3. Set up payment and scheduling systems: In order to start accepting clients and payments, you’ll need to set up a payment system. This can involve integrating with a payment processor such as Stripe or PayPal, or using a tool such as Acuity Scheduling to manage appointments and payments.
  4. Create content and resources: To provide value to your clients and attract new business, it’s important to create content and resources that showcase your expertise and provide valuable information. This can include blog posts, videos, and other materials that demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in the field of personal training.
Carefully planning the setup of your online personal training business, you can effectively establish your online presence and start reaching and serving clients. With the right tools and resources, you can build a successful and sustainable online personal training business.

Developing an online training program

Developing an online training program involves creating and delivering workout and nutrition plans, as well as offering virtual training sessions, to your clients through an online platform. Here are some key considerations when developing your online training program:
  1. Create workout and nutrition plans: One of the main components of your online training program will be creating workout and nutrition plans for your clients. These plans should be tailored to the specific goals and needs of each individual client and should be regularly updated and modified as needed.
  2. Offer virtual training sessions: In addition to workout and nutrition plans, you may also want to offer virtual training sessions as part of your online training program. This can involve using video conferencing tools such as Zoom or Skype to conduct live training sessions with your clients.
  3. Provide support and guidance: As a personal trainer, it’s important to provide ongoing support and guidance to your clients to help them stay motivated and on track with their fitness goals. This can involve regular check-ins and communication through messaging or email, as well as providing additional resources and support materials.
By effectively developing and delivering an online training program, you can provide a comprehensive and personalized experience for your clients. 

Online Group session for members

Providing paid online group training sessions can be a great way to offer an additional service to your clients and generate additional revenue for your business. Here’s how to go about it:
  1. Determine the format and structure of your online group training sessions: Will you be leading a live group workout session via video conferencing? Or will you be providing pre-recorded sessions for clients to complete on their own time? Determine the format that best meets the needs of your clients and your business.
  2. Set the price for your online group training sessions: Consider the value of your sessions and how much time and effort you will be putting into them. You may want to offer discounted rates for group sessions compared to one-on-one training, but make sure to still price your sessions fairly.
  3. Promote your online group training sessions: Use your website and social media platforms to promote your online group training sessions. You may also want to reach out to your email list or current clients to let them know about the new service you are offering.
  4. Deliver high-quality sessions: Make sure to put in the time and effort to deliver high-quality, engaging online group training sessions. This can involve creating a well-structured workout plan, utilizing technology to enhance the interactive experience, and providing support and guidance to your clients.
There are several reasons why offering paid online group training sessions can be beneficial for your business. First and foremost, it can provide an additional stream of income. Group training sessions can also be more cost-effective for clients, which can help you attract more business. In addition, group training sessions can provide a sense of community and accountability, which can be motivating for clients and lead to better results. By offering paid online group training sessions, you can provide value to your clients and grow your business.


Pricing your membership 

When determining the pricing tiers for your online membership, it’s important to consider the value of your services and how much time and effort you will be putting into each tier. Here are some steps to follow when setting the pricing for your online membership:
  1. Determine the services and resources you will be offering: Will your online membership include workout and nutrition plans, virtual training sessions, and other resources and support materials? The more comprehensive and valuable your membership offering, the higher you can set your prices.
  2. Consider your target market: Who is your target audience for your online membership? Will you be targeting beginners, intermediate fitness enthusiasts, or advanced athletes? Determine the price point that will be most appealing to your target market while still fairly compensating you for your time and expertise.
  3. Set your base price: Determine the lowest price point you are comfortable with for your online membership. This should cover the basic services and resources you will be providing.
  4. Create additional pricing tiers: Based on the base price you have set, consider creating additional pricing tiers that offer more comprehensive or premium services. This can include additional virtual training sessions, personalized meal plans, or other specialized resources.
  5. Determine the value of each pricing tier: Calculate the value of each pricing tier by considering the time and effort you will be putting into each tier and the value the services and resources will provide to your clients.
By following these steps and carefully considering the value and services you will be providing, you can effectively determine the pricing tiers for your online membership and attract the right clients for your business. It’s also important to keep in mind that the pricing for your online membership should be regularly reviewed and adjusted as needed to ensure it remains fair and competitive. As your business grows and you add new services and resources, you may need to adjust your pricing to reflect the increased value you are providing to your clients. Additionally, it may be helpful to offer promotional pricing or discounts for your first members, those who sign up for longer-term memberships, or new and previously separated clients. This can help to attract new clients and encourage longer-term commitment from your existing members. Overall, setting the pricing for your online membership requires careful consideration and a thorough understanding of the value and services you are providing. By taking the time to research and evaluate your pricing, you can effectively set pricing tiers that attract the right clients and generate a consistent stream of income for your business.

Calculating your expenses

Calculating business expenses is an important step in determining pricing for your online membership program. Here are the steps you can follow to accurately calculate your business expenses:
  1. Make a list of all your business expenses: This can include things like website hosting and design costs, marketing expenses, tools and software, and any other costs associated with running your business. If you don’t have any other personal income, be sure to include your personal expense in these calculations.
  2. Determine the frequency of each expense: Some expenses may be one-time costs, while others may be ongoing or recurring. Make sure to consider the frequency of each expense when calculating your total costs.
  3. Determine the total cost of each expense: For each item on your list, determine the total cost. This can involve calculating the cost per month or year, depending on the frequency of the expense.
  4. Add up all your expenses: Once you have the total cost for each expense, add them all up to determine your total business expenses.
  5. Determine your desired profit margin: Decide on a profit margin that you are comfortable with for your business. This will help you determine how much to charge for your online membership program.
  6. Calculate your pricing: Based on your total business expenses and desired profit margin, calculate the pricing for your online membership program. Be sure to consider the value and services you will be providing to your clients and adjust your pricing accordingly.
By following these steps and accurately calculating your business expenses, you can effectively determine pricing for your online membership program that covers your costs and allows for a profit.  Again, it’s important to regularly review and update your pricing as needed to ensure it remains fair and competitive.


Marketing and promoting your online personal training business

Marketing and promoting your online personal training business is crucial for attracting new clients and growing your business. Here are some key strategies to consider when marketing and promoting your online personal training business:
  1. Utilize social media and online platforms: Duh! Social media and online platforms such as Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn can be powerful tools for promoting your online personal training business. Use these platforms to share updates, content, and information about your services, as well as to connect with potential clients.
  2. Build a strong brand and online presence: Your brand and online presence are a representation of your business and can be a key factor in attracting new clients. Make sure to create a strong and consistent brand identity and to regularly update and maintain your website and social media profiles.
  3. Utilize email marketing: Email marketing can be a highly effective way to promote your online personal training business. Use email marketing to share updates, new services, and special offers with your subscribers.
  4. Use content marketing: Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable content, such as blog posts, videos, and infographics, to attract and retain customers. By creating valuable and informative content, you can establish yourself as an expert in the field of personal training and attract potential clients.
  5. Collaborate and partner with other trainers and professionals: Collaborating and partnering with other trainers and professionals, both within and outside of the personal training industry, can help you reach a wider audience and gain credibility. Consider partnering with fitness brands, gyms, or other fitness professionals to promote your business and expand your reach.

Steal This! — Here’s an example of a monthly marketing schedule for a personal trainer solopreneur!

Week 1:
  • Create and schedule social media posts for the month, including workout tips, nutrition advice, and updates about your services.
  • Write and publish a blog post about a relevant topic in the field of personal training.
  • Engage with followers on social media by responding to comments and messages and interacting with other relevant accounts.
Week 2:
  • Send an email newsletter to your subscribers with updates about your services and any special offers or promotions you have going on.
  • Create and schedule Instagram stories highlighting a recent training session or client success story.
  • Attend a local networking event or join an online networking group to connect with other trainers and professionals in the industry.
Week 3:
  • Collaborate with a fitness brand or gym on a social media promotion or giveaway.
  • Create and share a video on social media showcasing a recent training session or highlighting a particular exercise or technique.
  • Reach out to local media outlets or websites to pitch a guest blog post or interview about your services.
Week 4:
  • Utilize paid advertising on social media platforms to promote your services to a targeted audience.
  • Create a free resource, such as a workout plan or nutrition guide, and share it with your followers to provide value and build your email list.
  • Attend an industry conference or workshop to learn about new trends and techniques in the field of personal training.
By following this marketing schedule and utilizing a variety of tactics, you can effectively promote your online personal training business and attract new clients. It’s important to be consistent and stay engaged with your followers to build a strong online presence and grow your business.

Type of Content to create

As a personal trainer, it’s important to create unique and value-driven marketing content to attract and retain clients. Some examples of unique value-driven marketing content that personal trainers can create include:
  1. Educational articles or videos: Providing valuable information about fitness, nutrition, and health can help to establish you as an expert in your field and attract potential clients. Consider creating articles or videos that provide helpful tips, techniques, or insights that your audience will find useful.  Bonus Tip! Try adding small sections of vlogging at the end of your educational and fitness videos. 
  2. Workout plans or challenges: Offering workout plans or challenges can provide value to your clients and help to keep them motivated and engaged. Consider creating personalized workout plans or hosting group challenges that your clients can participate in.
  3. Nutrition guides or meal plans: Providing nutrition resources such as guides or meal plans can be a valuable resource for your clients and can help to support their fitness goals. Consider creating a variety of resources to cater to different dietary needs and preferences.
  4. Success stories or testimonials: Sharing success stories or testimonials from your clients can help to showcase the value of your services and build credibility with potential clients. Consider collecting and sharing these stories through your social media profiles, website, or email newsletters.
  5. Free resources or tools: Offering free resources or tools, such as workout tracking apps or nutrition calculators, can provide value to your clients and help to attract new clients.
By creating unique and value-driven marketing content, you can effectively promote your personal training business and attract new clients. It’s important to regularly review and assess the content you are creating to ensure it is meeting the needs and interests of your target audience.

Batch Recording and Repurposing Videos

Batch recording videos refers to the process of recording multiple videos on the same theme or topic in one session, rather than recording each video individually. This can be an efficient and cost-effective way to create a large volume of video content and can save time and resources. Repurposing videos involves adapting and modifying the content of your videos to make them suitable for different platforms or audiences. This can involve creating shorter or longer versions of your videos, or modifying the content or format to better suit the needs and preferences of a particular platform or audience. By batch-recording videos and repurposing them for different platforms, you can maximize the use of your video content and reach a wider audience. For example, you might record a series of workout videos on the same theme and then repurpose them for different platforms, such as creating shorter versions for Instagram or TikTok and longer versions for YouTube or LinkedIn. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to batch-record videos and repurpose them for different platforms:
  1. Determine your content theme: Start by identifying a theme or topic for your video content. This can help to ensure that your videos are cohesive and focused, and can make the process of batch recording and repurposing more efficient.
  2. Record your videos: Set up a space to record your videos, ensuring that you have good lighting and sound quality. Use a tripod or other stabilizing device to keep your camera steady, and consider using a microphone to improve audio quality.
  3. Edit and polish your videos: Once you have recorded your videos, edit and polish them to ensure they are professional and high-quality. This can involve trimming and cutting footage, adding transitions and other effects, and adding music or other audio tracks.
  4. Repurpose your videos: Once your videos are edited and polished, you can begin the process of repurposing them for different platforms. This can involve creating shorter versions of your videos for platforms with shorter attention spans, such as Instagram or TikTok, or creating longer versions of your videos for platforms like YouTube or LinkedIn.
  5. Publish and promote your videos: Once you have repurposed your videos for different platforms, it’s time to publish and promote them. Consider using social media and email marketing to share your videos and reach a wider audience, and be sure to optimize your titles and descriptions for search engines to improve your visibility.
It’s important to regularly review and assess the success of your video content and make adjustments as needed to ensure that it is resonating with your target audience. Check your analytics regularly to notice changes, trends, and opportunities.

Editing Videos

Editing videos can be a time-consuming challenge for personal trainers, especially if you are trying to create a large volume of video content. Here are some tips, tricks, and solutions to help streamline the video editing process:
  1. Invest in good editing software: Investing in a good video editing software can make a big difference in the efficiency and quality of your video editing process. Look for software with a user-friendly interface, a variety of editing tools and effects, and the ability to handle large files.
  2. Learn the software: Take the time to learn the features and functions of your video editing software. This can help to streamline the editing process and save you time in the long run.
  3. Use keyboard shortcuts: Many video editing software programs offer keyboard shortcuts to help you quickly perform common tasks. Take the time to learn these shortcuts and you’ll be able to edit your videos more efficiently.
  4. Create a workflow: Establishing a workflow can help to streamline the video editing process and save you time. This might involve creating a rough cut of your video first, then refining and polishing it with additional edits and effects.
  5. Use templates: Consider using templates to help speed up the video editing process. For example, you might create a template for your intro and outro sequences, or for transitions between different sections of your video.
By following these tips, tricks, and solutions, you can streamline the video editing process and save time while creating high-quality video content for your personal training business.  There are also a number of ways to outsource video editing at a low cost:
  1. Use freelance platforms: Freelance platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer can be a good resource for finding affordable video editors. These platforms allow you to post your project and receive proposals from a variety of freelancers, giving you the opportunity to review their portfolios and rates and choose the best fit for your needs.
  2. Use a video editing service: There are many video editing services available that offer affordable rates for their services. These services typically have a team of professional editors who can handle your video editing needs, and many offer a range of pricing options to suit different budgets.
  3. Use a student or recent graduate: If you know a student or recent graduate who is studying video editing or a related field, they may be willing to take on your project at a lower rate in order to gain experience and build their portfolio.
  4. Use a virtual assistant: A virtual assistant (VA) with video editing skills can be a cost-effective option for outsourcing your video editing needs. Many VAs offer their services at an hourly rate, which can be a more affordable option for small projects or ongoing work.
By considering these options, you can find affordable ways to outsource your video editing needs and free up more time to focus on other aspects of your business. It’s important to thoroughly research and compare options to find the best fit for your needs and budget.

Maintaining engagement and motivation with online clients

Maintaining engagement and motivation with online clients can be a challenge, as you are not physically present to provide in-person support and guidance. However, there are several strategies you can utilize to keep your clients motivated and engaged with their fitness journey:
  1. Regular communication: Make sure to stay in regular communication with your clients through email, messaging, or video conferencing. This can help to provide a sense of accountability and can help keep your clients on track with their fitness goals.
  2. Personalized support: Offer personalized support and guidance to your clients based on their individual goals and needs. And depending on the membership level. This can involve providing customized workout and nutrition plans, as well as offering virtual training sessions and other resources to help them stay motivated.
  3. Community support: Building a sense of community among your online clients can provide support and accountability and can help to keep them motivated. Consider creating an online forum or group where your clients can connect and support each other.
  4. Educational materials: Providing educational materials, such as articles, videos, and infographics, can help to educate your clients about various aspects of fitness and can help to keep them motivated and engaged.
  5. Utilize technology: Utilize technology, such as fitness tracking apps or virtual coaching platforms, to help your clients track their progress and stay motivated. Technology will help you write and automate emails, content, and downloadable material.
  6. Offer incentives and rewards: Consider offering incentives or rewards for your clients who consistently meet their goals or who refer new clients to your business. This can help to keep your clients motivated and engaged.
By implementing these strategies and regularly checking in with your clients to provide support and encouragement, you can effectively maintain engagement and motivation with your online clients and help them achieve their fitness goals.

Scaling and growing your online personal training business

  • Build a strong brand and online presence: Focus on a strong business history and avoid inconsistency in your brand. You don’t want to be the trainer the quit a few times, disappears from the community every in a while, and changes names, colors, and specialties a lotSome of your best-paying customers will begin as long-time “free” followers. Also, keep in mind that it often takes clients 5-7 touchpoints with your brand before they make a purchase, so it’s important to maintain a cohesive brand image across all channels, including your website, social media, and paid ads. Use a consistent color scheme and set of logos to create a sense of unity in your brand and content.
  • Collaborate and partner with other trainers and professionals: Collaborating and partnering with other trainers and professionals, both within and outside of the personal training industry, can help you reach a wider audience and gain credibility. Consider partnering with fitness and health brands, influencers, gyms, or other fitness professionals to promote your business and expand your reach.
  • Utilize paid advertising: Utilizing paid advertising on social media or other online platforms can help you reach a targeted audience and attract new clients. At the minimum, you follow up on already interested leads with ads that bring them back, starting as low as $1 per day.
  • Offer additional services or resources: Again, expanding your offerings to include additional services or resources, such as virtual coaching, nutrition plans, or online courses, can help to diversify your income streams and attract new clients.

ISB Secret Weapons

  1. Utilize affiliates or referrals: Partnering with affiliates or implementing a referral program can help to expand your reach and attract new clients through word-of-mouth.
  2. Automate email, text, and phone notifications: Implementing automation for emails, texts, and phone notifications can help a personal training business save time and keep clients and leads engaged and organized.
  3. Online sales funnel: An effective online sales funnel, including a professional website, targeted landing pages, and automated messages, will be a virtual salesperson working for your personal training business around the clock, converting leads and visitors into paying customers.
  4. Video testimonials: Video testimonials are a powerful tool for online businesses. They can be difficult to obtain from clients, but they are highly trusted by potential buyers and can set you apart from other businesses. Utilizing video testimonials effectively will be a game-changer for your business.


The online membership model for personal trainers offers a lucrative and satisfying way to take your personal training business online and achieve the ultimate freedom of location and time With the online membership model, you have the flexibility to work from anywhere and set your own schedule, allowing you to achieve a balance between your professional and personal life. You’ll have the opportunity to work with clients from all over the world and expand your reach beyond the confines of your local area. In addition to the freedom and flexibility offered by the online membership model, you’ll have the satisfaction of helping your clients achieve their fitness goals and improve their overall health and well-being. By providing a comprehensive and personalized experience for your online clients and offering regular support and motivation, you’ll be able to effectively maintain engagement and motivation and help your clients achieve success. By utilizing the strategies and tactics outlined in this blog post, you can effectively scale and grow your online personal training business and achieve your professional and personal goals.
Join our community of student members and gain access to valuable resources and support to help you launch, market, and grow your personal training business. With our community of experts and like-minded professionals, you’ll have the tools and guidance you need to succeed in the competitive world of personal training. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your business to the next level – join now and start building your future as a personal trainer and business owner!
The Online Membership Model for Personal Trainers

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